Wednesday, August 20, 2014

How Chewing Ice is Bad For Your Smile

One of the most interesting things about people are the habits and quirks that make up a part of their personality. Common habits such as playing with their hair and biting on their nails are only a few things that make a person unique, and many people have many different habits that make them different from everyone else. A common habit that many people share is chewing on ice. Although it may seem harmless, chewing ice can be more detrimental than you may think, especially for your smile.
One of the main reasons why chewing ice is bad for your smile is because it deteriorates the enamel on your smile. Because your jaw is very powerful and strong, when you bite on the hard ice, it lessens the strength of your enamel. When your enamel is not as strong as it needs to be, it makes you more susceptible to tooth sensitivity. Also, with the temperatures in your mouth repeatedly changing from hot to cold, it could damage the fillings you have. The temperature change has the potential to cause your fillings to swell quicker than your tooth, making the fillings counterproductive over time.
Not only is chewing gum bad for your teeth, but it is also bad for your gums. With ice having sharp edges, when you chew on it, it has the potential to puncture and damage the soft tissues in your mouth. Many people do not know that having healthy gums equates to having a healthy smile and body, and when that is compromised, the effects can be detrimental. By keeping these few simple tips in mind, you will be able to be more aware of your unconscious habits and how it plays a bigger role in your oral health than you may think.

At New Smile Dental, we focus on enhancing and restoring the beauty of your smile with help from the latest dental technology. Dr. Gilbert Lopez treats patients from Fort Smith and Van Buren, AR and surrounding areas. Call us today to schedule your next appointment.

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